Fibrin Stabilization (Factor XIII)
Dátum: 21.11.2009 16:25 Vec: Patofyziologia hemostázy
Fibrin Stabilization (Factor XIII), Fibrin Structure and Thrombosis
Zsuzsanna Bereczky, Éva Katona, László Muszbek
Clinical Research Center and Thrombosis Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Medical and Health Science Center, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis 2003/2004; 33: 430-437
Factor XIII (FXIII) is a zymogen that is converted into an active transglutaminase (FXIIIa) by the concerted action of thrombin and Ca2+. Its main task is to crosslink α-, and γ-chains of fibrin and α2-plasmin inhibitor to fibrin. By this way FXIIIa strengthens fibrin and protects it from the prompt elimination by fibrinolytic system. The changes of FXIII level in thrombotic diseases are hardly explored and there are contradictory results concerning the protective effect of Val34Leu polymorphism against arterial or venous thrombosis. The
results suggest that the thrombo-protective effect of Leu34 allele prevails only in certain genetic and/or
environmental constellations.
Key Words Factor XIII · Factor XIII-A Val34Leu polymorphism · Fibrinolysis · Thrombosis
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