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Medzinárodný register rekurentného tromboembolismu onkologických pacient Popis: INTERNATIONAL REGISTRY ON recurrent venous thromboembolism
in anticoagulated patients with cancer
Scientific question:
1) What regimens are used to treat recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) occurring in spite of therapeutic anticoagulation in patients with cancer?
2) What is the incidence of recurrence or major bleeding on these regimens? pridané: 19. Aug. 2007 krát čítané: 2013 Ohodnotiť túto stránku, nezabudnite sa vrátiť :-)
PROTEIN S DEFICIENCIA Popis: Scientific and Standardization Committee Communications:
On behalf of the Subcommittee on Plasma Coagulation Inhibitors of the Scientific and Standardization Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
PROTEIN S DEFICIENCY: A DATABASE OF MUTATIONS - FIRST UPDATE pridané: 19. Aug. 2007 krát čítané: 1890 Ohodnotiť túto stránku, nezabudnite sa vrátiť :-)
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