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Kategória: Hlavné/Hemostáza a trombóza/Trombocyty
Triediť podľa: Názov (A\D) Dátum (A\D) Hodnotenie (A\D) Obľúbené (A\D) Odkazy na stránky sú triedené podľa: Názov (od A po Z)
Bernard-Soulier Syndrome Popis: One of the major purposes of this web site is to help physicians and patients learn more about the Syndrome. It is not clear how many patients suffer from the syndrome or if there is a regional variation in occurrence. We have set up this site so that physicians will contribute to the registry. Patients will remain anonymous and will only be known to their own physician. In time we hope that this registry will act as a resource internationally. If you are a patient we would encourage you to ask your physician to contribute to the site. We also welcome any suggestions to modify this site which will help all those who are involved in this disorder. pridané: 19. Aug. 2007 krát čítané: 2081 Ohodnotiť túto stránku, nezabudnite sa vrátiť :-)
Glanzmannova thrombasthenia Popis: Glanzmann Thrombasthenia Database
The Glanzmann Thrombasthenia Database was developed by Paul Contino and Deborah French. The scientific content is maintained by Deborah French, Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Alan Nurden, Hôpital Cardiologique, Pessac, France pridané: 19. Aug. 2007 krát čítané: 3313 Ohodnotiť túto stránku, nezabudnite sa vrátiť :-)
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